Oh the weather outside may be frightful but that certainly wasn’t the case in class last week. While we’re overly excited about Christmas we cannot help but feel a little sad that this term is already over…but what a term it’s been. We saw almost all our pupils return and were lucky enough to have new additions join our family too. We’ve worked hard every week particularly focusing on ‘Status’ and ‘The world of our play’ for characterisation, on our ‘S,B,mM and P’ sounds too.


In our Junior Classes our story for the term was Roald Dahl’s fantastic ‘The Enormous Crocodile’, when reading we focused on all the characters in the book and their moods, facial expressions and even how they moved. We made some super crocodile puppets and had our very own puppet show, and we played with characterisation through creating our own masks. We also left some time though to learn a poem or two, which will certainly come in hand next term for our exams.

With our Intermediate Spots, we worked on building individual confidence and what exactly characterisation means. We’ve worked a lot on status and how status effects our movement and mood during our improvisation and duologues. We also left some time to work as one unit in choral poetry.

While, with our Senior Spots it was straight down to hard work focusing on our exam requirements. But, of course all work and no play would make for a very dull speech and drama class, so we left some time aside to do some combat training and mask work!

We’ve crammed so much into the last 13 weeks and it’s hard to believe it over, we’ve had so much fun and loved every minute and we can’t wait for our new term of classes to begin in January.


Everyone at Spotlight Speech and Drama would like to wish all our wonderful pulls and their amazing families a very Merry Christmas and a vey Happy and Healthy New Year,
